Junior Kindy (2.5 years – 3.5 years)
The Junior Kindy room is a spacious room with lots of natural light that’s looks out onto our outdoor alfresco dining area. The Junior Kindy is a cosy and homely environment that continues the children’s love for play and learning.
We believe that the most effective learning happens through play. Therefore, it is essential that we as educators help to foster this through providing a caring, happy, challenging and stimulating environment. We encourage children to play and therefore to learn.
Educators will invite parents and families to have input and involvement daily, this helps to ensure that meaningful experiences are occurring at Bluewater Village as well as continuity of care between home and the greater community.
Our Educators are about creating inspirational learning spaces for children daily, to help stimulate and encourage children’s learning and involvement with others. Our environments have resources that have been sourced from our local communities and around Australia to ensure that they fit in with our natural environments.
Our day is based around the outcomes, principles and practices of the EYLF and the elements of BELONGING, BECOMING and BEING to achieve the five learning outcomes.
Our educators are continually providing open-ended learning experiences as we believe this helps children to develop positive attitudes to towards learning as it provides them with opportunities to make the learning process into something they enjoy.